A pop window will appear saying "Trend Micro Security Agent" will not have full disk access until is is quit".Trend Micro Extension: /Library/SystemExtensions//.systemextension.Trend Micro Security Agent: /Application/Trend Micro Security Agent.app.iCoreService: /Applications/TrendMicroSecurity.app/Contents/Resources/iCoreService.app/Contents/MacOS/iCoreService.now, you can manage your business devices from. Below are the Trend Micro Security Agent Components path: it will provide your business with industry-leading protection for your. Repeat steps 1 and 2, then add the "iCoreService" and "Trend Micro Security Agent" back to the Full Disk Access panel (ensure all items have been selected, e.g.Remove "iCoreService" and "Trend Micro Security Agent" from Full Disk Access panel.Use your Touch ID or enter your system administrator credentials and click Unlock.Select Full Disk Access, then click the lock icon.The toggle button is now turned on which means the Web Threat Reputation is enabled. All-in-one cloud solution provides endpoint, web security, and email protection in one hassle-free bundle. Quick setupadd users or devices with a few clicks. And with Cloud App Security, you get enhanced protection without complications. A message 'Use Worry-free Security' will appear. We make it easy to protect your computers and mobile devices so you can focus on your business. To enable Web Threat Protection, tap the Worry-free Security toggle button. You can sign up for Trend Micro Worry-Free Services Advanced here. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy, and then select the Privacy tab. Go to your phone's Accessibility settings and tap on Worry-Free Security to activate Web Reputation. Here we review how the Worry-Free Services (WFS) platform copes with modern business security demands.To fix the issue, perform the steps below: